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Episode #89

Brendon Watt

Unhiding Yourself - The Journey Beyond Judgment



Our guest today is Brendon Watt. Brendon once subscribed to the idea that in order to be happy, you have to fit a certain mold and follow a set path in life. He was the opposite of his true self and felt as if he was in hiding. This led to him being severely depressed and almost hitting rock bottom.

Now, Brendon is a successful entrepreneur and author, and is passionate about showing people that fitting in is not the secret to happiness, and that unhiding who you are is the key to feeling at peace in yourself.

During our conversation we discuss...
The hour and a half that changed Brendon‘s life
- The power of choice
- Why we need to stop trying to fit in in order to be happy
- How to deal with judgment? 
- How applying these principles helped Brendon improve his finances

Quotes from Brendon

“Every choice we make is creating our lives.”

“When you’re being you, you have the choice and the space to choose anything.” “You can re-create yourself every day.”

What was it like for Brendon to change his life? “It was really uncomfortable but really rewarding at the same time.”

“If I was really being me right now and had gratitude for me, what would I choose?”

“Unhiding is getting really honest with yourself.” 

“Everything has a gift to it when we take the judgment away.”

"What’s heavy isn’t true for you. What’s light for you is true for you."

“We use unhappiness to get people's attention.  Awareness of this can help change that.”

"Were using 99% of our energy to hide everything from us that is true for us.”

"Be kind to yourself as you grow."

CONNECT WITH BRENDON on YouTube on Apple Podcasts

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